This small hand held device that almost half of the world carries with them is our way of communication and more. Our personal and professional level of communication has changed and enhanced drastically due to cell phones and yet many of us are still in dark regarding how to take proper care of cell phone and increasing its performance. Many don’t realize that cell phone radiates harmful radiations and cause health risks. These harmful effects however, can be controlled by taking simple steps in consideration.
Here are top ten tips on how to enhance Cell phone performance, security and reduce health risks:
1. Restrict Bluetooth Usage
Keeping your Bluetooth switch on is not only unwise when it comes to security purpose but also drain battery charge. It’s not advisable to keep Bluetooth on when you’re not using it.
2. Hold your cell phone at Bottom
Hold your cell phone at the bottom because if your cover your cell phone by your hand then it reduces its ability to send or receive the signal. The phone increases its power to transmit stronger radiation.
3. Turn it off when not in use
If your cell phone is no longer in use for a longer period of time then switch it off. And if you don’t expect calls in the middle of the night then switch it off during night time too when you go to sleep and turn it on in the morning.